Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Customer Service 101: Do It with Social Media

Through the years, social media websites have become something like a popularity contest where all kinds of people and businesses battle it out in order to get the most “likes”, “thumbs up”, “retweets”, or the like. Social media marketing has become the next big thing, and it is not a big surprise because of the sheer ease and convenience it offers. Still, there are a lot of uses for social media even outside of marketing, and with a little imagination, business owners can do wonders with this tool— using social media websites as a venue for customer service, for example.

Easy access. The internet has literally given us the world at our fingertips. Because of this, people have turned into info-hungry beasts, some of whom can’t bear to be away from Facebook or Twitter for even just a few minutes and the social media numbers only increase as time passes. What better way, then, for you to zero in on customer complaints and to get a chance to resolve conflict quickly and efficiently? Bad news and reviews travel quickly in the world of social media so if you can nip things in the bud before they turn nasty, you’re good.

Integration with other media. In aWashington Post article, Tweeting for Customer Service, Not Marketing, it was explained that it is more advisable for you to only use social media to reply to your customer’s concerns the first time. If any further discussions are needed, you should be quick to take the conversation offline, because the walls in Facebook or Twitter aren’t the best venues for this. Reply once to show that you attend to concerns promptly, and then see to your customer’s problems through another medium.

No big audiences. There are several different social media mistakes and misconceptions people can believe in, but simple logic and common sense will tell you that the more followers you have, the harder it is to keep track of them all. It would be practically impossible to attend to all customer concerns individually. The best option would be to have consistent updates to address the most common problems that majority of your customers face.

Social Media is a wonderful marketing tool and will only continue to grow from there. It is important to remember, however, that it’s not all there is to it. Social media has other uses too, and when it comes to customer service, you are in for a big surprise.